Beach front and beach view lots are starting to increase in value again and people are, once again, flocking to the water. Maybe it is because spring is here, maybe because the fish are biting again, or maybe it is just because people just enjoy the beach and the serenity that looking over the water provides.
As an avid water-lover myself, I love working in the waterfront homes market. It does not matter if I am out admiring waterfront homes, or if I am helping someone come up with that perfect house to put on a gorgeous water view lot.
Beach front lots and beach view lots will always, barring unforeseen circumstances, increase in value. Hurricane Katrina, an anomaly by almost any standard, created a lot of vacant landscapes just aching to be filled with homes again and you can go to any waterfront community and see that people are starting to fill that landscape, many with larger, nicer, and stronger homes designed to take higher wind loads and elevated to help protect against rising storm surge in anticipation of future hurricanes. When I first saw these elevated homes, I was not impressed with the height and thought that it looked kind of “funny”, but that is because it was not a standard. Now, I find myself really loving these homes because it gives plenty of room for parking and still room for entertaining under the home, really giving hundreds of square feet of additional, usable outdoor space.
If you are considering looking at beach front, beach view, or any other waterfront homes or lots to build your dream home on – contact me and let someone who loves the view as much as you help you discover your new, serene landscape in a way that maybe you had not thought of. After all, there is some advantage to seeing hundreds of waterfront homes and lots ๐
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Hello, I tried sending an email from your ‘contact me’, but couldn’t get the human test part to work correctly. I am interested in purchasing a beach front lot in Biloxi, Gulfport area. Preferrably with no building restrictions. Let me know if you can be of assistance. Thanks!!!
Thanks Vicky – I will try to get to the bottom of that human test ๐
I sent you an email.
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